Art Commissions by Wobblegong

Commission Menu || Commission TOS

Interested in commissioning me, Wobblegong, to draw something?
Then please look over my menu of available commission types!

Scribbies - a doodle OC for you!
$10 • Simple Tier

Scribbies are little creatures or beings that you could doodle in the margins of your school notes. Or meeting notes. Or on a napkin. Or possibly even in real artistic conditions! They're happy anywhere really.

Scribbies come in a range of complexities, from simple yet silly geometry to... alright it's not COMPLICATED but you might want to know how to hold a pencil. Their Shape complexity is how fiddly their form is; their Colors complexity is whether you could color it in with your pencil (or not color it in at all!) on up to fancy-pants multiple colors with patterns and maybe even gradients. (Gradients!)

When ordering, you'll be asked to choose a Shape amount, a Colors amount, and anything you'd like to avoid. (For example, if you're scared of bugs, you can ask me to avoid making it bug-like!) What you get is limited only by my sleep-deprived imagination, which may or may not be very limited depending on how you feel about weird animals.

Your scribbie will be delivered to you as a collection of 3-4 doodles to show off the many fine features of your new... ... thing!