Everyone loves LEGOs so it follows that everyone loves Minecraft! Personally I avoid it for long stretches (due to my free-time preservation instincts kicking in) which means every time I play it again it's been juuuuust long enough to forget everything I learned last time.
Four or five rounds back I started making myself walkthroughs to share with my friends. Then three or four rounds back realized wait, these walkthroughs written by Past!Wobbles are also helpful for Future!Wobbles. Now that I have a basic webbed site and 2001-Neopages-quality html skills, I am freed of the burden that is Google Docsahem and can put them all here whenever I think of a new one.
Vanilla Minecraft Stuff
Meta-Tech & Troubleshooting
Specific Mods
- Seriously, why does Google Docs think a bunch of text with 15kb of images is a RAM-crunching struggle?